(From the Left) Pro. Mansoo Jo, Pro. Younghwan Pan, Nongboo Mind CEO Soohyang Noh, Farm8 CEO Dae-hyun Kang, Research director Lee Gong-in
On October 8th, 2020, Nongboo Mind and Farm8 created NDA with the aim of research exchange on Clinical cultivation participation within the Hemp Industry Special Zone in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
Through this research exchange, both companies will make commitment on reaching cultivation goals of of the Hemp Industry Special Zone. This will be reached by focusing on the increase of cannabis cultivation efficiency and maximization on the content of active ingredient.
The research center of Kookmin Uinversity Graduate School of Techno Design, Department of Smart Experiece Design (Dean Pan Younghwan) is also researching on cannabis cultivation system that is safe and flexible to be applied by the original cultivation farmers.